Monday, July 18, 2016

Gillette’s Perfect Isn’t Pretty Film Pays Tribute to Arduous Journeys Faced by Athletes in Lead up to Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Summary of the press release:

To celebrate the upcoming Olympic Games 2016 in Rio next month, Gillette has released a film documenting the struggle of athletes and highlighting the sacrifices that they make in order to enhance their physical performance and become role models for millions of people around the world. Away from the apparent glitz and the glam of being a sports hero, the journey to become is anything but glamorous, or as the campaign puts it, “Perfect isn’t pretty.” The film coincides with the launch of Gillette’s Fusion ProShield razor, which is meant to bring the shaving experience as close to perfection as possible.

Press release URL:

“Pretty Isn’t Perfect” video:

Maya Toys Unveils Car Decorated with 15,000 Pom-Poms at Toy Fair

1    Summary

Maya Toys announced on January 14th, 2016 its attempt to decorate a vehicle with pom-poms during the New York Toy Fair 2016. On February 12th, 2016, the brand unveiled the car decorated with 15,000 pom-poms thanks to a powerful time-lapse video and news release. The event is designed to showcase Maya Toys’ new product line called Pom-Pom Wow and encourage young girls to add their personal footprint on most anything they own. According to the brand: “This event is all about showing how consumers can use the product to pom-pom their world," said Jennifer Strick, Maya Toys' director of marketing. "If we can pom-pom a car, girls can certainly pom-pom their rooms, their favorite possessions and more."